Some Legacy Projects Undertaken by Hon Mohammed Adam Amin (Anta) in the Karaga Constituency
24, 9, 2024
1.100% electrification of the constituency. Over 300 communities are connected to electricity.
2. Modern Community Centre in Karaga
3. Vocational Training School at Nyong
4. All roads to overseas communities fixed
5. One community, one borehole project ongoing
6. STEM College of Education
7. 4 Astro Turfs Karaga completed, Pishigu almost done, Kpasong 95% Yibee 90%
8. Pick up and 20 motorbikes for Karaga Hospital
9. Agenda 111
10. Pishigu SHS
11. Tamalgu ICT Centre and Market
12. Police Station and ICT Centre at Pishigu
13. Roads aggressively done
14. Health sector given massive revamping in most communities
15. Tamalgu to Nabogu Road fixed
16. Karaga Nursing Training College in the pipeline
17. Jaata Radio
18. Massive employment for youth in various sectors
19. Farmers sufficiently supported
20. Excellent relationship with chiefs and religious leaders.
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