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15, 4, 2023



Dr. Mustapha Hamid, the Chief Executive of the National Petroleum Authority (NPA) is an extra ordinary man and I am proud to say I have had a close relations with him dating back over 20 years, both within and outside politics. Let me simply say, he is my Godfather. 

He needs no introduction and as you know, he was the Spokesperson for Nana Akufo-Addo for a period of ten good years and eventually got appointed as the Minister For Information after Nana became President of Ghana in 2017. 

Before his current position, Abochi, as he is affectionately called by most of his friends, also served as the Minister for Inner City and Zongo Development and also as Deputy Campaign Manager for the Presidential Campaign Team of the NPP in 2020.

In all these, he still managed to keep close  relations with me at least at the personal level. The silent question on the minds of many who knew how close we have been,  is that, "Why is Haruna not seen in any official capacity around Mustapha despite their closeness"? Sometimes, the few who are bold, may put the question to me directly but I usually, try to find all kinds of excuses or avoid giving a any answer at all.  

Today, I have decided to deal with this issue once and for all because my silence may be unfair to him. Honestly, Abochi has always treated me with great generosity and more kindness than he might have done for anyone in his life. He has shared his last penny, his cloths, his food, his time, his knowledge and skills and above all, he has shared and equally offered me every opportunity that has come his way with me since the day we met. Mustapha had never treated me like a friend, but rather as his own twin brother and sometimes I dare to say, far morethan he does to some members of his own family. 

Mustapha has been there for me through thick and thin. He has always sponsored and payed for my rent, my education, social activities including trips abroad. He has also settled huge debts and saved me from troubles that could have resulted in dire consequences for my personal freedom. Let me simply say that he has been my redeemer who has saved my life all this while with zero tolerance for my vices. 

But after all these, what has been my reaction towards Mustapha? Sincerely, I have been very rebellious, defiant and stubborn. I have often let him down and disappointed him on numerous occasions.  He has placed countless opportunities at my disposal but I still let him down. 

Let me therefore confess that I have been the one who has always failed to live up to expectation to match the high level of integrity he has consistently set as the standard for anyone working around him. It is never his fault but I have been the architect of my own undoing. 

Naturally, the leader and disciplinarian character in him does not allow him to condone any form of wrong doing especially on my part. So he once called in the police to pick me up. His sympathetic spirit moved him to get me released after a night of mosquito bites. Sincerely, I have learnt my lessons and began the process of self introspection and reformation in earnest. I am back to school and making steady progress in other aspects of life  through his influence and inspiration. 

I pray the Almighty Allah continues to protect and guide him in all his present and future endeavors. Better late than never, so I wish to assure him that I am resolved to take up the challenge and responsibility to live up to expectation. INSHALLAH.

Abochi, Walahi I appreciate everything you have done and continue to do for me and from the bottom of my heart, I wish to say a BIG THANK YOU AND MAY ALLAH BLESS YOU. 

Haruna Maiga

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