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Dear Workers Of Ghana, Let No One Use You For Their Parochial Interest : By Alhaji Salifu Hadara

3, 10, 2024



It is a fact that the issue of galamsey has been with us for decades. It is also a fact that the galamsey menace is a canker that is destroying our water bodies and natural vegetations. 

This current government and previous regimes have tried to curtail this cancerous activity but to no avail. It is important for us to combat this activity once and for all. 

This issue cannot be solved without a serious commitment to solving it from both major political parties in Ghana. The Chiefs and people within the mining areas also have a major role to play but governments and for that matter political parties' commitments are pivotal. 

Let us not pretend that striking and refusing to go to work will solve the problem of the galamsey menace we are bedevilled with. There are more important actions leaders of organized labour can take now, especially this election period, to tackling this issue without being perceived as being influenced by a particular political party for political gains. 

Dear workers of Ghana, we are all observing the political space and monitoring the utterances of some political party leaders and followers about this galamsey. Are we satisfied with the political football the politicians are playing with the galamsey menace? It is disheartening but the solution to it is not a strike at all if the leaders of organized labour genuinely mean well for Ghana or if they don't have any diabolical intentions. 

What should they have done? I sincerely believe that organized labour should have used this election period to call all political leaders before them to express their commitment to dealing with this canker by detailing to Ghanaians their plans and signing undertakings. 

The leaders of organized labour should have visited the galamsey sites, indeed, if they really mean business with regards to combating the menace. Galamsey activities are definitely not taking place on a 'no man's land' and it is people who are engaged in that activities. What effort has organized labour provided so far in dealing with the galamsey menace over the years? 

In conclusion, Dear Workers of Ghana, kindly thread with caution, else some people might just be taking advantage of the electioneering period to use us for their own interest in the name of fighting against galamsey. Galamsey mining activities have been with us for long, just ask yourself why now? Have the leaders of organized labour just woken up from sleep? 

I come in peace


Thank you

Alhaji Salifu Hadara

A Concerned Worker 

Northern Region 



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