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Iddi Muhayu-Deen’s Open Letter to Yaw Buaben Asamoa

22, 11, 2023



Dear Yaw Buaben

I have read on social media, a statement attributed to you, purported to be your response to the General Secretary’s press statement, dated, November 20th, 2023, captioned, “FORFEITURE OF MEMBERSHIP PURSUANT TO THE PROVISION OF ARTICLE 3(9)(1) OF THE NPP CONSTITUTION”, which press statement was only confirming to the general public that you and 3 others are NO LONGER MEMBERS of the NPP by operation of law.

Ordinarily, the matter ought to end there, because, you are very much aware of the position of the NPP Constitution to the effect that, by supporting a Presidential Candidate other than the Party’s duly elected Candidate, you have voluntarily elected to LEAVE the Party. It is AUTOMATIC, and you know that very well, not because you are a lawyer, but because the Party Constitution says so expressly, therefore requiring no interpretation. You were not sacked from the Party. You chose to leave the Party.

I, therefore, find your claim that none of you was notified by the Party very DISINGENUOUS. Of course, you have no option but to accept that you have constructively resigned from the Party. You, however, did not end there. You went on to launch some blistering attacks at the Party and its Constitution, the very Party and the very Constitution that made you an MP and a Communications Director, thus, catapulting you to political stardom.

What exactly do you mean when you say, the NPP Constitution particularly Article 3(9)(1) is poorly written? And, since when did you notice that the Party Constitution may not be serving the interests of the general membership of the Party? If your claim is that the NPP Constitution has some flaws, I ask, is there any Constitution in this world that is PERFECT? Is that not the reason why every Constitution allows for periodic amendments to meet the changing needs of society?

In fact, as a Member and Secretary to the Afenyo Markin-led Constitution Review Committee of the Party, I remember receiving many amendment proposals from you, all of which were included in the Motions circulated to Party members ahead of the 2021 National Annual Delegates Conference. You probably sponsored more amendment proposals than any single member of the Party. So, if truly, you think Article 3(9) of the Constitution as well as Article 13 on Election of Presidential Candidate, were that problematic as you are claiming today, why didn’t you include those Articles in your amendment proposals for consideration?

Senior YB, I worked very closely with you at the Party Headquarters as Press Secretary to the General Secretary when you were our Director of Communications. I enjoyed working with you and really appreciated the many virtues you taught me. You taught me the virtue of party loyalty, humility, standing by one’s words, and the need to always respect and uphold the provisions of the Party Constitution. You were, in fact, my NPP constitutional law teacher. I just cannot sum up all the many things I learnt from you. I am grateful, Sir.

It is the reason why I struggled to restrain myself from responding in a certain measure to some of your rather controversial averments. I still do not want to believe you authored that statement, because it is a COMPLETE OPPOSITE of all the good things you taught me. The incoherence, the lack of principle, the vanity, the manifest ineptitude, and the poverty of legal reasoning that came with the statement is just not making me believe you authored it. I hold you in high esteem, and I know you are very much above that.

As they say, a man’s word is his SWORD. Please, do not let me take your words to mean NOTHING. If indeed, you authored that statement, then I’m afraid, you have let me and all your students DOWN. Fortunately, the same Article 3(9) under subsection (2) allows you a window of opportunity to be admitted back to the Party. You still have so much to offer this great Party of ours. Kindly do the needful and remain the principled man we have always known you to be. It is never too late to RIGHT one’s wrongs, for to err is human.

Assalamu alaik

Your boy, your student, your mentee, and now, your learned junior


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