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Alan Kyerematen, throw in the towel, you don’t need this embarrassment

19, 5, 2023



It is quite awkward that someone like Alan Kyerematen will be so oblivious to the imminent defeat that is lurking in the shadows of ego to deal its blow on him. I mean, how adamant and unconscientious can one be that they are unable to discern the messages that are written between the lines of inevitability and those others that are shrieking loud enough to make even the deaf hear?

Then again, it is obvious that a man's will to reach the very apex of leadership is the catalyst that balloons one’s ego to the point of voluntary disgrace and embarrassment. Whichever way one looks at the picture that is unravelling, it seems almost impossible to have a winner in Alan Kyerematen. 

From the declarations of the mighty and powerful in Ghana to the massive support of the grassroots and the hierarchy of our party, the NPP, including the Ashanti Regional Chairmen to the indisputable spate of achievements as vice president, Dr. Bawumia seems to be the ultimate choice of the majority. 

Be ye not deceived as the final campaign hour shall bring forth no change, for steadfastness and resolve can only emerge victorious. I shudder to think that the colossal defeat awaiting Alan will cause him such trauma that its psychological effect might just be more than he can handle. 

Well, my prelude to this article is not borne out of malice or hatred for this fine gentleman, but rather a prayer that he would throw in the towel, now, much ahead of the primaries to save his image and reputation. After all, what is the meaning in wasting so much money and effort only to lose everything in an unbalanced fight? 

Day in and day out, as the momentum is beginning to peak, opinion leaders, chiefs, party chairmen, government officials and all are throwing their weight behind Dr. Mahmoudu Bawumia! How can Alan psyche himself and his apostles up to think that eventually those who declared for Dr. Bawumia would rescind in the last hour and give him their support. It seems to me more like the devil’s dream of going to heaven, and that is what the campaign team of Kyerematen is delusional about! 

I do not know whether Alan ever watches boxing matches, but in some instances, once the first round is underway and one side realises that they are a mismatch with their opponent, either of two things happen:


Create room for a knockout and feign collapse or 

Fight on and take a beating in order that a TKO is declared in favour of the stronger one while the match is cut short! 

We all know that Alan is a very fine gentleman, but excuse me to put it bluntly that he doesn’t possess the qualities of a president such as: tolerance; respect for religion and tribe (liberalism, if you like); irenicism; and ingenuity of leadership! 

Getting some fans as Alan zooms past the people going about their daily chores does not translate into votes. What does, though, is the large throngs of Bawumia supporters high on the euphoria of the moment, The Dr. Bawumia moment! Ghanaians will decide in favour of Bawumia, in shaa Allah, so I urge Alan Kyerematen to throw in the towel and give up before he is retired with a psychological trauma that will cost him a lot. 

Dear Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen, please, for the sake of your name and dignity, throw in the towel. We will welcome you into the winning team with open arms, that is if you care to! Just do the needful Sir, and let us break the eight with Dr. Bawumia, the inevitable choice of the people! 

GOD bless Ghana and GOD bless the NPP!

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