Breaking news:

3 Buildings Collapsed in a Week

10, 5, 2023





      (Street Professor)

Dear Ghana,

NB: Save us in unison

In a week three edifices have collapsed with some injuries and death. In Tamale, UDS, a six-storey building under construction caved in. Another building crashed in at Adenta killing one and the latest is Bortianor where a Church building has collapsed injuring 7 workers.

Not to preempt any investigative probe into these building collapse I feel a multidisciplinary team of experts needs to be constituted asap to investigate the problem holistically and proffer quick recommendations to safeguard lives and properties. 

Not long ago Ghana experienced earth tremors in Alccra and we need to act fast to stem something huge portending disaster. Mis-engineering, earth tremors and artificial earthquakes induced by deadly weaponry owned by foreign enemies in the era of LGBTQI+ debate should attract our concerns. All professional bodies in Ghana should be in concert to find solution to the recent building collapse.

*1, 2 buckle my shoe; 3, 4 shut the door (disaster doorway)*

By Ing. Franklin Kwaku Kumassah

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